The Development of Professional Learning Community to Research (PLC to R) The Models for Teacher in Basic Education School in the Thai Eastern Region


  • Phongthep Jiraro St. Theresa International College


Professional Learning Community, PLC to Research, Basic Education


This research aims to study teachers’ research efficacy which are about knowledge and understanding the teacher self-improvement process regarding the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process. Additionally, the research is also to develop and evaluate a model for implementation of professional learning communities to research hereafter PCL to Research. 478 peoples stratified random sampling are target group. 17 experts are professors from the Faculty of Education, administrators, and teachers with experience in research and PLC. All of them have doctoral degrees. 42 teachers were the experimental targets. The result are consensus analysis by Mdn, IQR, Descriptive Statistic using Mean, SD, Frequency, and Percentage. Inferential Statistic using t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pair comparison by Scheffe's Method, correlation analysis by Pearson's correlation coefficient (rxy). The summaries of research are as follows: Pre participation, the teachers’ research efficacy indicate that the overall efficacy is at the moderate level (M=3.28, SD=0.62) whereas post participation, the overall research ability is at the higher level (M= 4.60, SD=0.49). 77.34 percent of the overall relative development index for each teachers’ knowledge and understanding of PCL operation indicates that teachers are at the high level of knowledge and understanding of PLC operation (M=4.05, SD =0.86). Applied Delphi Techniques are tools for developing a PLC model to be research. A model of conducting professional learning community as research (PLC to Research) of teachers is a traditional process. Activities and research mechanisms and PLC processes are 30 items. Evaluation from 17 Experts, based on accuracy, appropriate from the median (Mdn), and the inter-quartile range (IQR), shows the highest rating in all items which are correlated all together. Based on mean and standard deviation of the feasibility, utility of activities and mechanisms of the PLC to R model of 30 items, the evaluation from 42 teachers, the target group, is clear to show the feasibility evaluation and the benefits of the activities and mechanisms of the PLC to R model overall are at the high level (M=4.22, SD=0.23). 7 items of the PLC to R model are at the highest level whereas 23 items are at high level. The results confirm the benefits of the PLC to R model.


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