A Need Assessment for Development Academic Management of Schools under Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 Based on the Concept of Learning Agility
Developing Academic Management, Learning Agility, Needs AssessmentAbstract
The objectives of this research were to conduct the needs assessment for developing academic management of schools under Samutprakan’s Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, based on the concept of learning agility. The population was 72 schools under Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample of informants were 244 people, including school directors, deputy directors or academic department heads, and teachers. Stratified sampling, based on the groups and sizes of the schools was employed. The research instrument used was an opinion questionnaire on the approaches to the development of academic management in schools under Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, based on the concept of learning agility. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index Modified. When the priority needs index per item was analyzed, instruction was identified as the highest priority need (PNIModified = 0.421), followed by curriculum development (PNIModified = 0.418) as the second priority need. The lowest priority need was assessment (PNIModified = 0.414). The research results showed the need of developing academic management to encourage learning agility arrange learners.
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