Transformational Leadership Influencing Work Engagement of Generation Y in Bangkok Metropolitan and Subarban Areas
Transformational Leadership, Work Engagement, Generation YAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the transformational leadership and work engagement.; 2) to compare job engagement based on demographic characteristics.; 3) to study the influential transformational leadership on job engagement. The sample was working people aged between 25 - 45 years working in Bangkok and outskirts. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, Independent Sample (One-Way ANOVA), LSD (Least Significant Difference) and Multiple Regression with a statically significant level .01. The results showed that 1) the transformational leadership characteristics and overall work engagement were at a high level. 2) Demographic characteristics such as education level, duration of employment, and work position showed differences in work engagement at the statistical significance level of .01. 3) Ideological Influence leadership styles, intellectual stimulation leadership style, and the individualistic leadership style influencing Generation Y's job engagement were able to predict 65.80 percent. The equation for the standard score was Z=0.276 (X1) +0.165 (X2) +0.387 (X3).
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