A Comparative Study of Drug Remedies in the Pharmacopoeia of Wat Mai Phromphiram, Phitsanulok Province and Those in the Official Traditional Thai Medicinal Scripture

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Phakphon Sangngern


This article is a documentary research and a comparative study of drug remedies in the pharmacopoeia, recorded in 1867, of Wat Mai Phromphiram, Tambon Phromphiram, Amphoe Phromphiram, Phitsanulok Province. Five drug remedies were chosen based on their completeness in contents: name, ingredients, preparation method, dosage instruction, and efficacy. They were compared with the remedies of drugs with similar names found in six scriptures of the Official Traditional Thai Medicinal scripture, revised and compiled to the order of King Chulalongkorn in 1870. Those six scriptures are Pathamacintā, Dhātuvibhaṅga, Kasaya, Mahājotarata, Javatāra and Rokanidān.

            It was found that the content of Tamrubya Brahma Bhaktra in the pharmacopoeia of Wat Mai Phromphiram resembles to the utmost those of the Dhātuvibhaṅga and Rokanidān scriptures in the official scripture. That is, the name, ingredients, preparation method, dosage instruction, and efficacy of the remedies are almost the same with only some minor differences. Furthermore, the Tamrubya Brahma Bhaktra of Wat Mai Phromphiram was found to possess an efficacy in urinary disease      treatment for both men and women, which is not mentioned in those of the official scripture.



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