History of Thai Education under the State's Centralization (1947 - 2019)

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Pinyapan Potjanalawan


The purposes of this research article are twofold: first, to explain the dynamics of Thai educational system through centralized educational   policies; and second, to illustrate the history of educational reform by the Thai state. The study uses historical research method. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Results show that from the year 1947 to 2019 Thai society had been under coup d’etat governments headed by coup leaders and National Legislative Assembly which did not at all relate to the people. The occupancy of coup d’etat governments for a long    period of time clearly illustrated the centralization of power which affected the entire system of education. During the year 1957 - 1973 and 2014 - 2019 in particular, the government grasped power from the education and launched a mega project for the nation’s educational development     without people consensus. Moreover, it increased the level of control over education through the surveillance of body. Therefore, the centralization of educational system is dominated by politics.


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