How to Apply a Cultural Dimension for Supporting Community Tourism of Ban Huai Wai Phatthana, Buriram Province

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Utis Tahom
Sujitra yangnok
Khemeka Arrom
Santipap Charam


This research aims to apply a cultural dimension to community tourism development at Ban Huai Wai Phatthana, Buriram Province and to assess the impact of tourism on the community. The study uses community–based research (CBR) methodology. Data was collected from in - depth interviews, focus group discussion, community potential analysis, participant observation, documents and information retrieval. Key informants are community research volunteers, community leaders, development monks, villagers, elderly people, and local government officials, totaling 255 persons. The results reveal that, to develop a sustainable cultural tourism, certain activities need to be undertaken. These include: 1) in cultural dimension, the development of Ban Nong Don water resource to be an eating out and market place as well as a tourist site, and the revival of ghosts watching movies legend and the local wisdom of lowing water for consumption; 2) in public relations, the use of signposts to indicate the direction of tourist sites, the design of community web page, and the promotion of tourism activities in web page in provincial level; 3) in management, fund raising and money allocation, and prohibition of any activities adverse to tourism; and 4) unity in the community, with people co - operating in tourism development.

                  Tourism has positive impacts on community in several aspects, including society, culture, economy, and environment. For instance, it builds careers and generates income to the local population. More  importantly, it creates co - operation among public sectors, academic institutions, private sector, and the locals for community sustainable development.


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