A Vessantara Jataka Painting Series Dated from 1907 to 1947 by Phetchaburi Craftspeople

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Duangkamon Boonkaewsuk


            This study analyzes the presentation, patterns, writing techniques, and identities of Phetchaburi crafts worker series of Vessantara Jataka paintings which were popular between 1907 and 1947 in terms of painting association and historic learning processes of Phetchaburi craftspeople. Results were that 1) the 13 painting cycle had content associated with religious literature, such as the literary work, The Royal Mahajati (Mahajati Kum Luong). Unlike other images produced by the same group, Mr. Lert Phuangphradech’s  paintings differed in the number of early scenes, resulting in a total of 14 paintings. To date the paintings, a series of Vessantara Jataka images in Phetchaburi, especially depictions of the opening scene, was potentially a significant prototype for the Phra Devaphinimitr series, widely published and well - known by local painters; and 2) brushstroke techniques matched  Western styles in adding chiaroscuro and perspective. Adhering to Western styles was more visible in 1932 paintings by Mr. Lert Phuangphradech after he participated in drawing and painting the Emerald Buddha Temple gallery wall. Insufficient evidence prevented exact identification of individual characteristics. Instead, shared characteristics in the group of craftspeople were noted. Developing individual style unduplicated by other artists was an important guideline inherited by the current Phetchaburi crafts family.


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