Chaem Bunnag and the Creation of Ton Tamnan Uthai: New Historical Content, Origin of the Thais and Thai Migration from 1889 to 1890

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Nittayaporn Prompanya


            This article explores the interplay between historical construction and international context in the late nineteenth century when the Siamese kingdom was in Anglo−Siamese territorial conflicts in the trans - Salween and Shan States. Ton Tamnan Uthai, compiled by Chaem Bunnag (1864 - 1907) a Siamese official working at the International Court in Chiang Mai in 1883, will be investigated. Chaem was a leader of the territorial survey mission in the trans - Salween and the Shan States from 1889 to 1890.

            Studies about writing by Chaem Bunnag concentrate on Phongsawadan Yonok (Yonok Chronicle; 1907). By contrast, Ton Tamnan Uthai (The Origin of Thai), remains relatively understudied. This research examines the creation of Ton Tamnan Uthai and significant historical features of the chronicle. Results were that Chaem’s work experience in the Anglo - Siamese territorial conflict starting in 1889 influenced the creation of this chronicle. In it, Chaem formulated new historical content focusing on the origin of the Thais and Thai migration from Central India and China.


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