From Devandha Jataka to Thewan Kham Kap: An Adaptation of the Pannasa Jataka Tale to Kap Folklore
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This article presents analytical findings about 1) Devandha Jataka in Pannasa Jakata and the Thewan Kham Kap poem inscribed in Samud Thai, a Thai manuscript in the National Library of Thailand; and 2) the background and adaptation of related stories. It was assumed that Devandha Jataka might have been composed later due to narrative complexities and lack of focus on meritorious acts or virtuous attributes of the Bodhisattva. In addition, some motifs and events resemble preceding apologues. In its era, Devandha Jataka was so renowned that it was adapted into the Thewan Kham Kap poem, recited until 1886 during the reign of King Rama V in the Rattanakosin Era. For adaptation, elite poets skillful in literary adaptation may have employed diverse techniques, including changing details, expansion, omission, transposition, supplementary narratives to facilitate memorization, adapting motifs or situations for familiarization, concordance with beliefs or lifestyles, and popular humor. These findings indicate that Devandha Jataka and The Thewan Kham Kap poem are two literary works deserving of preservation and transmission for future readers to appreciate the identity and value of Thai literature.
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