The Development of Comprehensive Reading Skills by Using Metacognitive Strategies of Matthayom Suksa III Students at Sirattanawitta School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • สุภาพ เลิศกิ่ง
  • กชกร ธิปัตดี
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล


The research aimed to develop English comprehensive reading skills by using a meta-cognition and to compare the results of the development before and after the operation of Mathayom Suksa III students of Sirattanawittaya School in the first semester of the school years 2013. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were 4 teaching packages; 12 lesson plans based on a meta-cognitive learning approach; a 50 item test for an English comprehensive reading skills with a difficulty value ranged between .20-.63, a discrimination value ranged between .22-.84 and a confidence value was .86. An observation recording format; an interview form, and a daily record were also employed. Statistics used were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

                 The research findings were as follows.

  1. The development of English comprehension reading skills through a meta-cognitive learning approach was consisted of four circles. Circle one was a scanning and skimming strategy; circle two was understanding words and sequencing; circle three was finding information and predicting and circle four was finding similarities and difference, and drawing inferences. Each circle consisted of the following steps: planning, action and observation, and reflection. And after taught everyone passed the criteria.
  2. Concerning the results of the development, it was found that the students’ average score of comprehensive reading skills was 78.04. With respect to the test of differences before and after the operation, it was found that the sample had a statistically higher scores of comprehensive reading skills at the .01 level of significance.



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How to Cite

เลิศกิ่ง ส., ธิปัตดี ก., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). The Development of Comprehensive Reading Skills by Using Metacognitive Strategies of Matthayom Suksa III Students at Sirattanawitta School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 3(1), 61–68. Retrieved from