Development of a Diagnostic Test on the Defect on Integrated Science Process Skills of Student in schools under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • กมลรัตน์ นักพรรษา
  • อมรรัตน์ พันธ์งาม


Test Development, Diagnostic Test, Integrated Science Process Skills


The purposes of this research were to develop and identify the quality of the diagnostic test to find the defect on the integrated science process skills of the students. The samples were Matthayom Suksa 3 students in schools under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 in Yasothon province in the academic year 2015. The tests were administered two times. The first time was conducted to find difficulty values and the discrimination power. The second time was to find the difficulty values, discrimination power, and reliability. The statistical procedures were Whitney and Sabers, Alpha Coefficient and Pearson Product Moment.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. A diagnostic test to find the defect on the integrated science process skills of the students was in the form of three situations each of which had five activities for the students. Activity 1: Setting hypothesis skill; Activity 2: Specifying and variant controlling skill; Activity 3: Experimenting skill; Activity 4: Interpreting and concluding skill; and Activity 5: Operational defining skill.
  2. A diagnostic test to find the defect on the integrated science process skills had the difficulty value ranging from 0.45 to 0.62, and the discrimination power ranging from 0.59 to 0.85. The test reliability in each situation ranged from 0.942 to 0.947 and the whole test had the reliability of 0.981 and the rate reliability was 0.998.


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How to Cite

นักพรรษา ก. ., & พันธ์งาม อ. (2021). Development of a Diagnostic Test on the Defect on Integrated Science Process Skills of Student in schools under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 5(2), 1–10. Retrieved from