An Action of Physics Problem Solving Development on Force and Law Motion Theory Through the 7E Inquiry Learning Process for Mathayom Suksa 4 Students Krachaengwittaya School under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • มุตตา ตะบองทอง
  • อมรรัตน์ พันธ์งาม


การวิจัยปฏิบัติการ, กระบวนการจัดการเรียนรู้แบบสืบเสาะหาความรู้ 7E, การแก้โจทย์ปัญหา


The purposes of this research were 1) to operate an action research on the development of students’ ability in physics problem solving on force and law motion theory using the 7E Inquiring learning process, and 2) to determine the result of the development of students’ ability in physics problem solving. The samples of the study were 35 Matthayom Suksa 4 students selected by purposive sampling.  The instrument were: 1) seven lesson plans using the 7E inquiring learning process, 2) a test on physics problem solving, 3) an observation form, 4) an interview form, and 5) a diary. The action research had three circles. The statistical procedures used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The action on the development of physics problem solving on force and law motion theory using 7E inquiring learning process had seven steps: 1) elicitation of prior knowledge, 2) engagement, 3) exploration, 4) explanation, 5) expansion, 6) evaluation, and 7 extension. The action on the development of the students in physics on force and law motion theory had seven lesson plans and three circles, enabling the students to have abilities in physics problem solving, namely:
    1) understanding-exploring of problems, 2) analyzing, 3) finding relations, 4) finding answers, and
    5) checking answers.
  2. The result of the action research on the development using 7E inquiring learning process showed that the students had the average score of 78.68% Not less than 80% of the students was able to solve the problems by passing the set criterion of 70%.



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How to Cite

ตะบองทอง ม., & พันธ์งาม อ. . (2021). An Action of Physics Problem Solving Development on Force and Law Motion Theory Through the 7E Inquiry Learning Process for Mathayom Suksa 4 Students Krachaengwittaya School under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 5(2), 56–63. Retrieved from