Development of Learning Engagement Test of Matthayom Suksa 3 Students


  • วันลี หมุนอุดม
  • รสวลีย์ อักษรวงศ์


การสร้างและพัฒนาแบบวัด, ความมุ่งมั่นในการเรียน, นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษา


This research aimed to construct a learning engagement test of Mattayom Suksa 3 students and to construct norms of the test. The samples were 620 Mathayom Suksa 3 students in the first semester of academic year 2015 at schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 by stratified random sampling. The learning engagement was composed of four aspects : learn with attention, eager to learn, learning responsibility, attempt to improve learning. The quality of the test was examined by testing three tryouts : the first, 100 students for examinating discriminating power, the second, 100 students for examinating construct validity and reliability.  After that 420 students for creating norms.

            The research findings were as follows:

1.  The learning engagement test was divided into two subtests, the test I was 40 items of five-level rating scale, and test II was 24 items of situation test. The quality of each test were :
1) the content validity gained the index of congruency was range from .60 to 1.00, 2) the discriminating power were range from 271 to .731 and .260 to.816, 3) the construct validity gained the factor loadings were range from 0.656 to 0.831, 4) the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were 0.960 and 0.912, respectively.

  1. The normal T- score of the learning engagement test I and test II were range from T22 to T90 , T23 to T90 and raw score from 111 to 171, 33 to 64 points, respectively.


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How to Cite

หมุนอุดม ว., & อักษรวงศ์ ร. (2021). Development of Learning Engagement Test of Matthayom Suksa 3 Students. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 5(2), 71–80. Retrieved from