
  • Linghua Xie Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Xiaowen Jie Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Tourist interaction, Satisfaction, Post-trip behavior intention, Mediation effect


Post-purchase behavior intentions are an important measure and judgment basis for enterprises to accurately predict customer follow-up behavior, and are increasingly valued by enterprises and their managers. Therefore, it is a subject worthy of study to explore the factors and paths that influence the customer's willingness to purchase afterwards. The article takes the tourists of the travel agency team as the research object, and introduces the intermediary variable of tourist satisfaction to explore the influence of the interaction between tourists on the intention of post-tour behavior. It is found that the interaction between tourists has a direct impact on the satisfaction of tourists and the intention of post-tour behavior. Tourists are satisfied with the mediating effect of the interaction between tourists on the influence of tourists' behavior after the game, but the mediating effect in the process of the interaction between tourists in the interaction of the post-tourism intentions shows a layered difference.


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