A Research on Influence of Psychological Capital of Chinese (mainland area) University Teachers upon performance---Based on Motivational Work Behavior and working thriving as an Intermediary Variable


  • Xiaoxia Liu Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Haijun Lu Panyapiwat Institute of Management


The teachers of university in china psychological capital job thriving, Motivational work behavior performance


With the continuous advancement of information technology, the way people acquire knowledge and teaching are also changing. The relationship between teaching and learning in colleges have also undergone revolutionary changes. Colleges need to enhance their own competitiveness, that means Teachers need to increase scientific research and teaching output. This puts new and higher requirements on the ability of teachers. How to inspire teachers’job thriving, and increased performance, It has become an important issue in current organizational behavior. From the perspective of psychological capital in college organizations, the author constructs a model with psychological capital as an antecedent variable and individual motivational work behavior to influence teacher performance through the job thriving. From the mainland China, 600 teachers are selected as data samples, and 519 valid samples are received, and using SPSS24 and AMOS24 testing and analysis data, the empirical results show that: (1) individual psychological capital is related to the job thriving but does not have a direct relationship, need to use the motivational work behavior as a mediator; (2) motivational work behavior positively predict the performance of teachers through the job thriving; (3) Through the integration of models, psychological capital is used as an antecedent variable in the process of the job thriving influenced teachers' performance.


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