Research on the content structure of organizational responsiveness of private colleges


  • Guifang Zhang Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Erming Xu Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Colleges, organizational responsiveness, Flexible decision-making, Recognition and early-warning, Social relations, Responsive implementation


The content structure of organizational responsiveness of private colleges is an innovative research area. Combining the research results of organizational responsiveness of private colleges in both China and western world and based on the current development of private colleges in China, this paper first defines the content structure of organizational responsiveness of private collegesthrough interviews, questionnaires and other methods, then forms questionnaires for preliminary testto have an in-depth study on the content structure of organizational responsiveness of private colleges in China, and finally constructs measurement scalesfor the content structure,testing reliability and validity of the scales.


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