Job Insecurity and Recruitment Form towards Dispatched Labours: A Case Study with Company A


  • Qiang Bian MBA, Rangsit University


Employment form of dispatch system, Job insecurity, Organizational career management


With the development of enterprises and institutions, the employment mechanism is gradually diversified, and labor dispatch is widely used. In the coal market environment began to weaken, many enterprises in the business situation is more and more depressed. Therefore, enterprises choose to use the way of labor dispatch to reduce labor costs, so for this type of enterprises, how to effectively avoid the problem of job insecurity? This paper further studies the impact of the coal industry dispatching employees' sense of insecurity and the coal industry dispatching employees' sense of insecurity. Combined with the analysis results, the following conclusions are obtained. First, the dispatch system has a positive impact on job insecurity. Secondly, the moderating variables of organizational career management play a mediating role between the form of dispatch employment and job insecurity.


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