The Causes of Formal Debt Default: The Case Study of Farmers in Phayao Province

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Guntpishcha Gongkhonkwa


This research aims to 1) study the debt settlement behavior of the farmers 2) study the degree of financial literacy of the farmers and 3) study the factors affecting the debt default of the farmers. The data were collected from 405 farmers in Phayao province, obtained by multi-stage sampling. Data collection was performed using a close-ended questionnaire. The research found that most farmers in Phayao province borrowed more than one loan contract which caused a decrease in the debt paying ability. In addition, their expenditure exceeded the amount of debt to be paid. As a consequence, the farmers must borrow money for paying debts. Furthermore, debt default was caused by low level of financial skill such as calculating the interest and understanding law of obligations. From regression analysis, the findings showed that 1) there was a relationship between financial literacy and debt default and 2) there was a relationship between character of farmers and debt default.

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How to Cite
Gongkhonkwa, G. (2019). The Causes of Formal Debt Default: The Case Study of Farmers in Phayao Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(1), 1–21. Retrieved from
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