Instructions for article authors

The academic journal editorial team accepts 2 types of articles in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences as follows:

1. A research article is a systematic report of the research results. It consists of an introduction, a literature review and relevant theories, objectives, assumptions (if any), definitions of terms (if any), scope of research. research methods, research results, benefits received, summary and discussion of results, recommendations, footnote references (if any), and acknowledgments (if any).

Example: Presentation of research articles in English

2. An academic article is an interesting written work, aimed at presenting new knowledge. It contains an introduction and content that clearly states the points presented with an appropriate sequence. Analytical theories should be included, along with the summary of results and recommendations, so that the readers
can easily and clearly understand.

Example: Presentation of Acdemic articles in English


- Thai 

- English

Details of the original article are as follows:

1. The article must have both Thai and English titles which are clear and concise. Do not put parentheses in the titles.

2. Respectively name the first author, the essentially intellectual contributor and then, the corresponding author.

3. Each author’s personal information includes first name and last name, field/subject/department/faculty/university, followed by an E-mail address. The English version will be published in the English Abstract page while the one in Thai is on the Thai Abstract page.

4. An abstract in English is limited to only 1 paragraph, approximately 250 words long and containing no more than 5 keywords.

5. An abstract in Thai is also limited to only 1 paragraph, approximately 250 words long and containing no more than 5 keywords. The content of both versions of the abstract must be consistent and concise. They
have to include research objectives, scope, methods and summary of the research results.

6.The content of the article must have important substance according to the aforementioned types of articles accepted for publication. The author sets the layout for typing into 1 column format, on a single page of A4 size paper with Microsoft Word for Windows and PDF File or other similar software prints. There should be approximately 26 lines per page with the 16 point-size TH Niramit AS font. Each page includes a single page number on the upper right corner, except for the first page. The author also has to check the language accuracy according to correct grammatical usage.

7. References and bibliography used are the APA (American Psychological Association) 7 th edition referencing guidelines. Alphabetical order is applied, (see an example in the references writing list). There should not be more than 30 references and the content should be consistent with the content of the whole article.)

- writing a reference list
8. Expansive footnotes and cross-footnotes Tables and illustrations Please have a tracking number. and has concise and clear explanations.

9. Acknowledgments incorporate funding and scholarship agency, and code of academic ethics. This session is arranged before the bibliography. 

10. The articles submitted for consideration must have complete details from items 1 - 9, and they must not exceed 12 pages in total. Please see examples from previously published journals.

Original Articles Submission

1. The author who intends to submit his/her article must carefully read the instructions for publication which are already specified within every academic journal volume or from or 

2. The author is required to submit the original article through the Online Submission System at ThaiJo’s website on Please attach 2 original files of the article with the following details:

              *  The original article in Microsoft Word format with complete details, according to the type of the article if it is a research article or an academic article, is attached. All content, tables, and illustrations are in
the same file.

              **  The original article in PDF format converted from the one in Microsoft Word is also attached.
The file must exclude the author’s name and the affiliation of the article’s author.
              ***  In the case where the work is a research study and an experiment on humans or laboratory animals Human experimentation may affect the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of human beings. Authors are requested to attach an ethics certificate from the Human Research or Animal Research Ethics Committee. and such information must be specified in the research methods section as well.

3. The author is required to Add Discussion to provide the e-mail address and mobile phone number of the main author in the Online Submissions System.

The scrutinization of the article quality

      The articles that will be considered for publication must undergo quality review by the editorial team and experts in the relevant fields. The process is as follows.

      1. The author must follow the article publication format according to the editorial team specifications before submitting online via ‘Submissions’, upon which an ‘Auto Reply’ will be sent to the author’s e-mail.
The editorial team will undertake the ‘Initial Review’ on the article’s topic and content, its appropriateness
and congruence of the objectives of the journal, including theoretical and practical benefits. At this stage,
the editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject articles for quality assessment by experts.

2. In the case of the editorial team accepting the article for further consideration, the editorial team will
send the article to 3 experts in the field related to the article to check the quality of the article for its appropriateness for publication. In this scrutinization process, the experts will not know the identity of
the author and the double-blind process is applied. The opinions of the expert reviewers are as follows:

 - Accept Submission     = Accept publication of articles without editing.
 - Revisions Required  = The author is required to edit the article before forwarding to the editor. 
 - Resubmit for Review    = The author is required to edit the article before sending back to the expert reviewers again. 
 - Resubmit Elsewhere = The author is suggested to send the article to another journal. 
 - Decline Submission    = The author is informed the article’s decline for publication.
 - See Comments    = It is recommended that the author read the provided comments. 

3. After the expert review, the editorial team will make their final decisions based on the recommendations
of experts if the article is published, edited for re-consideration or rejected.

4. When asked to “Resubmit for Review”, the article author needs to make corrections according to the recommendations of the experts. Once completed, re-submit the revised article in a Microsoft Word file
and also another PDF file to the experts for reconsideration. 

5. In the case that the article has been accepted or edited according to the recommendations of the experts, the editorial team will check the accuracy of language use and references. The article may be sent back to
the author for correction before being published in the journal. 

6. The editorial team agrees for publication when the article has passed the reference writing check.

Copyright of the author

        The editorial team reserves the right of not allowing any content, views, or opinions of articles published in the academic journal of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in Humanities and Social Sciences from being used before obtaining written permission from the editorial team. All published work is copyrighted by the journal.

Publishing Schedule

The Academic Journal of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in Humanities and Social Sciences
is scheduled to be published every 3 months, 4 issues per year, as follows:

      1st Issue, January–March
     2nd Issue, April–June
     3rd Issue, July–September
     4th Issue, October–December

Online Publication

The Online Edition is published by the Computer Service Office of the University of the Thai Chamber
of Commerce. Visit our Website at: and 

System user manual for writers

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- Forgot your password




 - Guide to writing bibliographic references (APA)

 - Example of writing a reference list