The Causal Relationship of the Interest which Influences the Decision to Shop Online of Generation Y

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Poschanan Boonchuai
Thirawat Chantuk


This research aims to study online shopping behavior, study the relationship betweeneach other and to verify the consistency of mathematical models that affect the online shopping selection of consumers in the Y model of Nakhon Pathom province. 400 people use random sampling by choosing a model (Random sampling). The study found that most consumers were female. Technology is the factor that most consumers firstly prioritize, following by the stimulus and the consistency index of the causal relationship model that influences genital-based online decision making of Generation Y (After adjusting the model), provided that all factors have met all criteria. When considering the factor which influences online shopping decision of a teenager,it was found respectively that interest, motivation and technology have played an important
role for the decision.

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How to Cite
Boonchuai, P., & Chantuk, T. (2019). The Causal Relationship of the Interest which Influences the Decision to Shop Online of Generation Y. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(1), 22–36. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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