Legal Measures in Managing the Prostitution Business in Queensland, Australia.

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Wuthichai Tengpongsthorn


Prostitution is legal in Queensland, Australia under the registration system. The legal measure used to solve problems of prostitution and prostitution businesses in this state is the Queensland Prostitution Act 1999 stipulating that a person who wishes to operate a place of prostitution as well as the person who gets direct revenue from such a business are required to obtain the Brothel License or Approved Manager License from the Licensing Authority Organization. Independent prostitution is legal but they must not solicit sex in the public area. Illegal Businesses of prostitution are the Escort Agencies, Out - Calls service, Out Calls provided by a licensed brothel and any other forms of communication for the purpose of prostitution through public media, such as radio, television or other forms of media reproduction.

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How to Cite
Tengpongsthorn, W. (2014). Legal Measures in Managing the Prostitution Business in Queensland, Australia. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(2), 107–114. Retrieved from
Academic Article


Queensland Queensland Prostitution Act 1999. Tengpongsthorn, Wuthichai. 2011. "The Causes of Prostitution from a Criminological View." University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal 31, 3: 133-149. ( in Thai).

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