Thai Accountants in the Age of AEC

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Onruedee Sritarapipat


ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) resulted from the merger of 10 ASEAN countries: Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Burma, Laos and Cambodia. The confederation was to promote ASEAN Free Trade and ASEAN Free Services in 12 priority sectors: Tourism, Air Travel, Automotives, Wood-based products, Rubber-based products, Textiles and Apparel, Electronics, Agro-based products, Fisheries, e-ASEAN, Healthcare and Logistics. In addition, economic benefits are shared freely including a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) by the accounting profession in addition to a free flow of skilled labor. Thai accountants must adapt to compete in the domestic and ASEAN markets, so before 2015 Thai accountants must prepare in three areas: (1) professional accounting skills, (2) information technology skills - to be able to apply their knowledge of technology to use in every-day life and work in the business, and (3) English language skills - to be able to use English to communicate. If Thai accountants have the opportunity to work in ASEAN, they should learn the local culture and language, with the rest of ASEAN, to create added value to Thai accountants’ services and enable them to adapt to the local culture. I believe that to create opportunities for Thai accountants, they must demonstrate the ability to perform professionally and reduce barriers to work. Thai accountants must unavoidably be prepared to support liberalization to the ASEAN and regional level.

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How to Cite
Sritarapipat, O. (2014). Thai Accountants in the Age of AEC. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(2), 115–134. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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