ASEAN Economic Community: Perspectives on the Potential Development of Thai Accounting Profession

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Suwan Wangcharoendate


ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one of the three integral pillars of the ASEAN Community.  It integrates the various economic benefits to the economy: liberalization of world trade, investment, capital, and migration of skilled labor. As a result, the Thai accounting profession needs to be developed in both regional and international levels to enhance the quality of competence and capability to compete with the international accounting profession. The purpose of this article is to present perspectives on the potential development of the accounting profession with the AEC Blueprint and the liberalization of world trade, under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services, AFAS.  Developing the accounting career potential will enhance the ability to cope professionally with any situation that may occur. Thus, the impact will be reduced when the country integrates with an economically liberalized ASEAN.

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How to Cite
Wangcharoendate, S. (2014). ASEAN Economic Community: Perspectives on the Potential Development of Thai Accounting Profession. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 34(4), 109–120. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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