Personality Traits and Demographics Influencing Social Networking Site Addiction

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Vikanda Pornsakulvanich


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of personality traits and demographics on social networking site addiction. Survey research with a cross-sectional design was employed to examine social networking site addiction. Purposive sampling was used to collect the data from Internet users who had participated in social networking websites. The total samples were 460 (N = 460). Overall, the findings revealed that those exhibiting Extroversion were more likely to be addicted to social networking sites, whereas those exhibiting Emotional Stability and Conscientiousness were less likely to be addicted to social networking sites. Moreover, there were differences between age groups and social networking site addiction. People who were younger tended to be more addicted to social networking sites than those who were older. The results also showed no gender differences in social networking site addiction.

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How to Cite
Pornsakulvanich, V. . (2020). Personality Traits and Demographics Influencing Social Networking Site Addiction. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(1), 1–17. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Vikanda Pornsakulvanich, Thammasat University

Vikanda Pornsakulvanich received a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Kent State University, U.S.A. She is currently a full time instructor and an Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication at Thammasat University, Thailand.


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