Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty of Patients Receiving Medical Services: A Case Study of Health Care under Mahidol University

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Akenarin Chocknakawaro
Theeranuch Pusaksrikit
Chompunoot Suwanasri


This research aims to study the service quality, satisfaction and loyalty levels of patients receiving medical services at hospitals under Mahidol University. This research sample was composed of 400 outpatients selected from receiving internal medicine and rehabilitation medicine. This research used survey questionnaires to collect data. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis at p < 0.05 significant level. The results found that service quality and satisfaction were at the highest level. There is a high level of loyalty. All dimensions of service quality including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy have an influence on satisfaction. However, only reliability and assurance have an influence on loyalty with satisfaction as a partial mediation. Recommendation derived from this research is that each hospital should pay attention to services
in various attributes and apply them for improvement including creating service designs that can help patients efficiently.

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How to Cite
Chocknakawaro, A. ., Pusaksrikit, T. ., & Suwanasri, . C. . (2020). Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty of Patients Receiving Medical Services: A Case Study of Health Care under Mahidol University. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(2), 68–32. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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