Assessment of the Tourism Potential of Nopphitam District Based on Community-Based Tourism Standard

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Preeda Nakaray
Chanida Rodyoo
Panjaporn Kuenui


This mixed research aimed 1) to identify and assess the tourism potential of Nopphitam District in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, and 2) to examine the upgradability of community-based tourism in the case study of Baan Na-ngae, Nopphitam District. The data collection was carried out through an in-depth interview, a group discussion and a participant observation by relevant stakeholders such as, heads of community, tourism and community’s entrepreneurs. In the time, quantitative method, mean statistics applied with the five aspects in potential of community-based tourism standard.  The results showed that the overall tourism potential was outstanding in its sustainable and systematic management of natural resources and environment, with the highest rated score of 3.09, followed by the quality of community-based tourism service (2.49), and the management of socio-economic development and quality of life (2.30), the community cultural conservation and support (2.07), whereas the management of community-based tourism gained the lowest score (1.90). In addition, current tourism potential has not yet to have formalized community-based management. However, the community is considered potential in moving forward better tourism through key community capitals at hand including social and culture capital, wisdom capital, natural resource capital and economic capital.

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How to Cite
Nakaray, P., Rodyoo, C., & Kuenui, P. . (2020). Assessment of the Tourism Potential of Nopphitam District Based on Community-Based Tourism Standard . University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(2), 118–131. Retrieved from
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