The Analysis of Logistic Costs of Para Rubber Plantation in Chumphon Province

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chaiyot sumritsakun


The purpose of this research is to analyze logistic costs of planting para rubber in Chumphon province. The data are collected from 400 farmers of rubber plantations in Chumphon Province by using the interview form. The results show that, logistics activities in rubber plantation consist of purchasing activities, inventory management activities, transportation activities, factory and warehouse location selection activities, material handling activities and communication. The cost of activities is as follows: Cost of purchasing activities is 6,019.41 baht, equivalent to 245.89 baht per rai. Inventory management activities cost is 8,335.33 baht, equivalent to 340.50 baht per rai. Transportation activities cost is 240,586.22 baht, equivalent to 9,827.87 baht per rai. Factory and warehouse location selection activity is 134,769.78 baht, equivalent to 5,505.30 baht per rai. The cost of material handling activities is 99,088.22 baht. Representing 4047.72 baht per rai and cost of communication activity on the logistics of 3895.82 baht and 159.14 baht per rai.

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How to Cite
sumritsakun, chaiyot. (2020). The Analysis of Logistic Costs of Para Rubber Plantation in Chumphon Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(3), 81–94. Retrieved from
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