Old-Age Allowance Policy and Poverty among Thai Older Persons

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Chalermpol Chamchan


Since 2009, Thailand had implemented the Old-Age Allowance (OAA) Policy with a universal coverage for all older persons (OPs) who are not receiving government pension or old-age benefits from the Social Security Scheme. The allowance is progressive with higher age ranges of the OPs. This study aims to compare the impacts between the 2 options of adjustment of the allowance that would be on old-age poverty alleviation. Option 1 is to increase the OAA by adjusting the rate per month to be 1,000 Baht for all OPs. Option 2 is to increase the OAA with the same amount for all OPs, keeping the total rate progressive as it currently is. A pre-condition set is that both options required the same amount of additional fiscal budget. Dataset of 2017 Household Socio-Economic Survey together with age-specific profile of consumption expenditure from a research project on intergenerational transfer of Thai population are employed in the analysis. Findings reveal that consumption expenditure of the OPs tends to descend by increased age of the OPs while the risk or vulnerability to poverty tends to increase. Increasing the OAA amount while keeping the rate progressive with higher age ranges of the OPs under Option 2 is found to improve the level of consumption of all OPs’ age groups and, at the same time, appeared to be more equitable in protecting the OPs from poverty, especially the middle-old and old-old OPs, than Option 1 that adjust the OAA rate to be equal for all ages of the OPs.

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How to Cite
Chamchan, C. . (2020). Old-Age Allowance Policy and Poverty among Thai Older Persons. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(3), 15–30. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/utccjournalhs/article/view/241594
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