Group Layout for Wood Furniture Production

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Pornpaiboon Pushpakom


This research presents a group layout for wood furniture production that provides reduced manufacturing lead time in producing mixed wood furniture products. Production of the mixed wood furniture products can be detailed and complicated.  The products include small lots of various models and designs. In addition, the make-to-order strategy for supplying customer demand can present problems leading to excessive producation time. Group Layout is applied to the manufacturing shop Floor. Complete Linkage Clustering (CLC) and Bond Energy Analysis (BEA) is used to form group of parts and machines, and inter- and intra-group movement is measured for the CLC or BEN selection. Subsequently, the simution models of the existing system and Group Layout are built. The results indicate that the Group  Layout can reduce manufacturing lead time by 32.89% which increases manufacturing response time by 20.87 hours.

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How to Cite
Pushpakom, P. (2020). Group Layout for Wood Furniture Production. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 33(1), 55–67. retrieved from
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