Supply Chain Management for Tourism Development of Southern Isan Civilization

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Siriporn Loetyingyot
Sirisorncharoen Kamonlimsakun
Kanok Boonsak


This study aims to 1) study the community context and supply chain management of communities with tourism development of Southern Isan civilization, 2) analyze the guidelines and potential of supply chain management; and 3) to develop supply chain management model  for tourism development of Southern Isan civilization. This study is a qualitative research which used participatory action research with key informants consisting of community leaders, entrepreneurs and network associates. Data were collected via field surveys, analyzing documents, interview, arranging a forum to analyze community potential and organizing a networking platform. The results found that 1) communities that are capable of being a model of tourism development Southern Isan civilization consisting of 3 communities which are Baan Prasart community, Ton Nam Moon Homestay Baan Suk Somboon, and Baan Khok Mueng community 2) the potential of supply chain management of 3 communities, it was found that the strengths aspect had strong leaders and harmonious members as well as accommodation received Thai homestay standard. The weaknesses aspect had shortage of having a community map and community lacked of knowledge through supply chain management. The opportunity aspect had a network creations opportunity among communities through national resources. The threats aspect had the increasing of new competitors in tourist attractions; and 3) the model of development of supply chain management based on the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR Model) enables the model communities to develop supply chain management in historical tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism. This derived from thinking, planning, decision operation, and evaluation participation of community and network to raising the level of tourism sustainability in tourism development of Southern Isan civilization.

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How to Cite
Loetyingyot, S., Kamonlimsakun, S. ., & Boonsak, K. . (2020). Supply Chain Management for Tourism Development of Southern Isan Civilization. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 40(4), 120–139. Retrieved from
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