The Adaptation Strategy of Tourism in Upper North of Thailand under the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Sansanee Krajangchom
Korawan Sangkakorn
Nivej Poonsukcharoen


This research aimed to: 1) analyze the data on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of tourism in the upper northern region under the crisis of the outbreak of Covid-19 and 2) suggest adaptation strategies of the tourism in the upper northern region under the outbreak of Covid-19 through the TOWS Matrix process. The structured interview form is used for in-depth interviews with people involved in tourism. SWOT analysis used in data analysis that can be further developed in the adaptation strategy of the tourism sector under the outbreak of Covid-19 through the TOWS Matrix. The research found that strategies that should be proactively implemented include promoting tourism on cultural and natural strengths, and proactive tourism marketing. Strategies that can improve and resolve weaknesses from opportunities include using information technology to develop tourism innovations, Developing the potential of entrepreneurs and tourism staffs, and encouraging people in the community to participate and benefit from tourism. Preventive strategies include building confidence for tourists, and communicate the northern tourism image that is still a quality and safe tourist attraction. Strategies that should eliminate weaknesses and avoid limitations include development of new normal tourism in the upper north of Thailand, Sustainable linking tourism development, and creating a network of tourism cooperation from all sectors.

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Krajangchom, S. ., Sangkakorn, . K., & Poonsukcharoen, N. (2021). The Adaptation Strategy of Tourism in Upper North of Thailand under the COVID-19 Pandemic. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(1), 1–20. Retrieved from
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