The Success of the Performance under the Influence of Salient Logistics Resource and Thailand Logistics Service Business Capabilities

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Penporn Pukahuta
Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom
Mada Chayathatto


        The logistics service providers in Thailand are now a small business group. Their skills
and knowledge are limited to some specific services. It is also difficult for them to access to
low-cost financial sources, which results in the lack of business expansion opportunities and low
competitiveness due to the lack of continued business cooperation. As a result, entrepreneurs
have low bargaining power and have to face severe price frictions of large companies or
multinationals. Therefore, this article aims to model the structural equations for the success of
performance in order to determine the path of development and increase the efficiency of
business management. This was achieved by reviewing literature related to resource-based
theory and employing a mixed research methodology starting from quantitative research and then
qualitative methods. The data were collected by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews
that passed the research tool test criteria. Questionnaires of ideas from business enterprises with
net profits in 2017 were used. The results showed that if logistics service providers wanted to
see their business growth, they needed to continuously improve their quality and management
system, especially in the area of ability to provide logistics services, which was a holistic work 
management. This would result in a link between working processes in the organization, which
agreed to the work system of external stakeholders and had the same standard. Moreover, logistics
service providers should also get supports and readiness of outstanding logistics resources that
aligned with their operations in order to create added value for their organization and contribute
to the potential of working effectively of their personnel.

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How to Cite
Pukahuta, P. ., Rattanawiboonsom, V. ., & Chayathatto, M. . (2022). The Success of the Performance under the Influence of Salient Logistics Resource and Thailand Logistics Service Business Capabilities. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 41(1), 67–88. retrieved from
Research Articles


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