A study of a Relationship between Corporate Solvency and Stock Returns of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The purpose of this research aims to present a new trading strategy based on corporate
solvency and to test the relationship between corporate solvency and stock returns in The Stock
Exchange of Thailand (SET) of 505 companies excluding financial industry from March 2005 to
May 2019 for 171 months. This research uses eight solvency ratios to sort the firm’s solvency.
The trading strategies involve going long (buying) on high solvency stocks and going short
(selling) on low solvency stocks in order to find profit or loss from trading. The result of the
research shows that these trading strategies provide negative return or loss from trading. Shows
that low solvency stocks generate higher returns than high solvency stocks. In other words,
corporate solvency is related to the stock return in the opposite direction. Therefore, it shows that
if you choose to use the trading strategies involve going long (buying) on low solvency stocks
and going short (selling) on high solvency stocks in order to find profit or loss from trading,
it can generate profit from trading.
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