Model for Potential Development of Cultural Tourist Attractions in Surin Province

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Natthayot Boonsot
Kosit Phaengsoi


        The objectives of this study were 1) to study the problems of cultural tourist sites in SurinProvince, 2) to study guidelines for the potential development of cultural tourist attractions in SurinProvince, and 3) to propose a model for the potential development of cultural tourist attractionsin Surin Province. The research instruments were surveys, observations, interviews, focus-groupdiscussions, and workshops. The sample group consisted of 23 people selected by purposivesampling. The results of the study were presented as follows: 1) the problems of cultural touristattractions in Surin Province comprised the unclean roads in locals, full of dust and garbage,the lack of foreign language ability among homestay owners, an insufficient number of tour guides, and inefficient management 2) the guidelines for the potential development of cultural tourist attractions in Surin Province consisted of 3 approaches including the general development approach, the development approach regarding the needs of visitors and the development approach of the potential of tourist attractions that was divided into three aspects, namely attraction, carrying capacity and management and 3) the model for the potential development of cultural tourist attractions in Surin Province consists of 7 elements: studying the needs of tourists, proposal development guidelines, best practices for development, follow-up and evaluation, management improvement, and networking and creating partnerships. Finally, the findings of this study can provide guidelines for developing
the potential of cultural tourist attractions that is consistent with the needs of tourists and the context of cultural tourism in Surin province.

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How to Cite
Boonsot, N. ., & Phaengsoi, K. . (2022). Model for Potential Development of Cultural Tourist Attractions in Surin Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(1), 1–19. Retrieved from
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