Integrated Marketing Communication towards Perception and Decision Making of Generation Y Tourists

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Piyamaporn Thiamjite
Chatchai Inthasan


The objectives of this research were to survey the influence of offline and online marketing
communication affects perception and leads to decision making of generation Y tourists in Nakhon
Ratchasima province. Data were collected using the survey method from 392 of generation Y
tourists in Nakhon Ratchasima province. The questionnaire survey was used as research
instrument. The validity and reliability were checked, which were content validity by expert, the
result of discriminant validity tested by factor analysis showed value between 0.702-0.882, and
0.825-0.901 were result of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient test of reliability. The results revealed
that the opinion level of offline marketing communication and online marketing communication
showed all aspects at a high level. In addition, the result of hypotheses testing found that each
dimension of integrated marketing communication (offline and online marketing communication)
had a significant and positive effect on perception. However, perception explicitly led to decision
making of generation Y tourists.

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How to Cite
Thiamjite, P. ., & Inthasan, C. . (2022). Integrated Marketing Communication towards Perception and Decision Making of Generation Y Tourists. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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