The Values of Toponyms of Village Names in Nan Province

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Olan Rattanapakdee


This research article aims to record and study history as well as uncovers the value and meaning of village toponyms in Nan Province. It is based on documents and field data. 905 village toponyms have been analyzed according to the qualitative research method along with the study of folklore framework. The results reveal that the village geography in Nan province reflects history and values, which illustrates seven different characteristics: 1) geographical characteristics including a wide range of terrain, especially watersheds, forests, and highlands 2) vegetation reflecting the abundance of natural resources 3) local history as a reflection of the past
that shows traces of Nan’s history 4) mythology and folklore consisting of local legends related to religious beliefs and historical figures, all signifying the beliefs and worldviews of the people in the area 5) the livelihood of the people of Nan regarding occupation, tools, appliances, water management of the community, traditions, and rituals, as well as transportation 6) both beliefs and values related to the sacred and supernaturalism, as well as beliefs and values concerning auspiciousness, and finally 7) administrative characteristics, including the separation of villages and the establishment of new villages. The village’s toponym is especially valuable to locals in realizing their local history which is linked to the definition of the identity of people in the Nan community. This will also lead to the creation of strong communities in different dimensions.

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How to Cite
Rattanapakdee, O. . (2022). The Values of Toponyms of Village Names in Nan Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(2). Retrieved from
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