Competencies and Development Guidelines of Out-of-school Teachers Competencies and Development Guidelines of Out-of-school Teachers

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Kotchaworn Chuymanee
Wirathep Pathumcharoenwattana
Worarat Pathumcharoenwattan
Suwithida Charungkaittiku
Ravee Chudasring


The purposes of this research are: 1) to study roles, responsibilities and development needs of out-of-school teachers. 2) to propose and verify key competencies and the development guidelines of out-of-school teachers. This research is supported by Equitable Education Fund,2020.There were 1,370 out-of-school teacher participants. Data collection was conductedthrough observation, interview, questionnaires and focus group.

The results showed that outof school teachers were responsible for five major duties, including 1) searching and identifying
the targets 2) sheltering children 3) being a case manager 4) being a collaborator and 5) being a learning facilitator and coach. To successfully perform their duties, six key competencies were 1) student-centered learning consultant and coach 2) media, technology, and learning management 3) law and regulations for cross-cultural equity 4) communication and relationship building 5) case management and 6) morality and professional ethics. The proposed guidelines for out-of-school teachers’ development included evaluation and development planning with three main approaches; training, learning by doing and learning from their own and other
experiences. Furthermore, capacity building of out-of-school teachers should be received more support by various organizations to reduce the education inequity of out-of-school students.

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How to Cite
Chuymanee, K., Pathumcharoenwattana, W. ., Pathumcharoenwattan, W. ., Charungkaittiku, S., & Chudasring, R. . (2022). Competencies and Development Guidelines of Out-of-school Teachers : Competencies and Development Guidelines of Out-of-school Teachers . University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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