Technology Acceptance and Consumer Behavior Affecting Online Purchasing Decisions of People Entering the Aging Society in Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Penporn Pukahuta
Patima Tanimkarn
Porntip Rodpon


The fact that Thailand is entering an aging society coupled with the advancement in
technology has had an impact on the daily life of Thai people. Therefore, they have to adjust,
prepare and cope with these changes. The purpose of this research is to examine and develop a causal model on the technology acceptance and consumer behavior that affect the decision on buying online products of people who are entering the aging society in Muang District, NakhonRatchasima. A quantitative research method was employed using a questionnaire to collect data from people who shop online at least one time at the minimum age of 55 years old for 288 cases. The results showed that 1) the acceptance of information technology that would affect purchasing decisions on online shopping would come from the changes in consumer behavior. Consumer behavior variables were characterized as complete intermediary variables and 2) The acceptance of technology and the changing lifestyle of consumption in the digital age were the factors that caused the change in the way of shopping through online channels. Therefore, entrepreneurs adjusting and coping with these changes should design and improvement of distribution channels to suit the target customers as well as adjust online marketing strategies to be in line with the need of customers to further increase the competitive advantage of the business.

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How to Cite
Pukahuta, P. ., Tanimkarn, P. ., & Rodpon, P. . (2022). Technology Acceptance and Consumer Behavior Affecting Online Purchasing Decisions of People Entering the Aging Society in Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 42(4), 16–35. Retrieved from
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