Human Capital in Digital Technology Proficiency and Access to State Assistance for the Informal Labor Forces in Songkhla Province

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Komwit Siritorn
Patumporn Hiransalee


The informal labor force is a crucial driving force for the economy of Songkhla province. The objective of this research is to compare the differences between individual factors and the level of proficiency in using digital technology among informal workers in the 16 districts of Songkhla Province. It also aims to study the relationship between factors such as income levels, technological proficiency, and access to state assistance. The sample group used for this study consists of 200,000 informal laborers in Songkhla Province. The study found that informal laborers with varying occupations, educational levels, and technological proficiency levels had significantly different income levels, which was statistically significant. In addition, the study discovered a correlation between access to state assistance, technological proficiency and factors related to income levels. Specifically, groups with lower income levels tended to use technology less and had lower access to state assistance. This implies that factors related to technological proficiency and access to state assistance have a mutually reinforcing relationship. Therefore, formulating economic assistance policies for the informal labor force necessitates promoting income-generating capabilities alongside investing in human capital for digital technology use. This approach will help alleviate income disparities stemming from differences in digital knowledge (digital divide) and simultaneously enable the informal workers to access state assistance in line with economic development policies, leading to widespread benefits (digital dividend).

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How to Cite
Siritorn, K. ., & Hiransalee, P. . (2023). Human Capital in Digital Technology Proficiency and Access to State Assistance for the Informal Labor Forces in Songkhla Province. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 43(4), 83–100. Retrieved from
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