The Causal Factors Affecting the Financial Success of Saving Cooperatives in Thailand

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Ronnakorn Suphachin


The objective of this research was to investigate the causal relationship between accounting management, information system features, information system transparency, and financial report quality on financial success of cooperatives in Thailand with empirical data. The data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 188 accounting managers or equivalent through multi-stage sampling. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The research results showed that the causal model of financial success of savings cooperatives was consistent with the empirical data, as indicated by the fit indices (X2/df = 1.241, GFI = 0.936, AGFI = 0.882, CFI = 0.996, SRMR = 0.0406, RMSEA = 0.0359). A contribution of the research were that information system features was the most significant positive impact on the financial success of cooperatives, mediated by financial report quality, as financial report quality was the highest direct positive influence on financial success. Additionally, accounting management and information system transparency positively influenced financial success in order. Stakeholders, including the government, cooperatives, and educational institutions, can use these findings to develop factors that contribute to the success of cooperatives, thereby enhancing the confidence of members and society to ensure the long-term sustainability of cooperatives.

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How to Cite
Suphachin, R. (2024). The Causal Factors Affecting the Financial Success of Saving Cooperatives in Thailand. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(4), 71–90. retrieved from
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