Regulatory Approaches to Competition in the Energy Sector: A Case Study of Australia

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Ornamol Arapol


This article examines Australia's regulatory framework for competition in its energy sector. Australia's approach is governed by legislation, including the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 1996, which establishes criteria for assessing market power based on the principle of "substantial degree of power”. This principle applies to both the electricity and natural gas sectors. Further, legislation such as the Electricity Act 1996 (South Australia) and the Gas Act 1997 (South Australia) sets out licensing requirements for energy operators and mandates assessments of mergers and acquisitions to prevent substantial reductions in market competition. Consequently, Australia's energy sector prohibits mergers and acquisitions likely to significantly lessen competition-a model potentially applicable to Thailand.

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How to Cite
Arapol, O. (2024). Regulatory Approaches to Competition in the Energy Sector: A Case Study of Australia. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 44(4), 209–224. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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