Effect of Quantity of Mali Nil Surin Jasmine Germinated Brown Rice Flour with Kasalong Flower Powder on Qualities of Fettuccine

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นิภาพร กุลณา
Konwut Mongkhon
Ramita Ruansung


The objective of this research was to study the appropriate amount of Mali Nil Surin jasmine germinated brown rice flour and Kasalong flower powder in the production of Fettuccine. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The study of the suitable standard formula for the production of Fettuccine line It was found that formula second scored all sensory liking score were like moderately. The study of the ratio of wheat flour to Mali Nil Surin jasmine germinated brown rice flour at 4 levels was 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 by weight of wheat flour. It was found that the ratio of wheat flour to Mali Nil Surin jasmine germinated brown rice flour 90:10 received a sensory quality score in terms of texture and the highest overall liking (8.38 and 7.66). The content of Kasalong flower powder was studied at 3 different levels 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 by weight of wheat flour. It was found that increasing the quantity of Kasalong flowers resulted in a decrease in the satisfaction score of all characteristics. The test result of the acceptance of the product of Fettuccine from Mali Nil Surin jasmine germinated brown rice flour supplemented with Kasalong flower powder was received favorable score by Total level is like very much. The mean was 8.00 and the acceptance of the developed product was 80.28%.

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How to Cite
กุลณา น., Mongkhon, K., & Ruansung, R. . (2022). Effect of Quantity of Mali Nil Surin Jasmine Germinated Brown Rice Flour with Kasalong Flower Powder on Qualities of Fettuccine. Vocational Education Innovation and Research Journal, 6(1), 75–83. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ve-irj/article/view/252561
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