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Varisara Veerasamphan
Sompoch Iamsupasit


The purposes of this research was to study 1) the level of quality of work life, psychological empowerment, proactive work behavior and organizational commitment of the library staff in the university, 2) relationships between quality of work life and psychological empowerment with proactive work behavior, 3) the moderating role of organizational commitment on the relationships between quality of work life and psychological empowerment with proactive work behavior. The sample of this study consisted of 130 staffs. The methodology was a set of questionnaires that surveyed the quality of work life, psychological empowerment, proactive work behavior and organizational commitment. The study found that 1) the levels of quality of work life, psychological empowerment, proactive work behavior and organizational commitment is 3.72, 3.88, 3.60 and 3.48 respectively. 2) Quality of work life is not statistical significance correlated with proactive work behavior at .01 level (r=.136). Psychological empowerment is statistical significance positively correlated with proactive work behavior at .01 level (r=.434). 3) Organizational commitment is a moderator on the relationships between quality of work life and psychological empowerment with proactive work behavior (R2= .145, .238 respectively).

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