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กัมลาศ เยาวะนิจ
Boonanan Boonson
Piya Klaprasert
Duangpon Uraiwan


This article presents results from area-based research for development under the cooperation between Buengkasam subdistrict and Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage. This research objectives were 1) to examine Buengkasam subdistrict people’s needs and subdistrict environment and 2) to define objectives and guidelines Buengkasam subdistrict sustainable development which also serve the needs and environment of Buengkasam subdistrict. The research teams used a participatory action research to survey this subdistrict environment data and data were analyzed by TOWS matrix analysis. The results pointed out that Buengkasam subdistrict should utilize its opportunity (being strongly supported by external agency) and its strength (having its own self-produced products) in order to gain more benefits. The research team then proposed these results for Buengkasam’s community enterprise development operation plan for 4-year period together with key indicator. The plan consisted of three main activities: the promotion of people’s understanding in establishing community enterprise, the promotion and distribution of new community’s goods, and the extraction of knowledges on the establishment of community enterprise.

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