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Parit Aroonoast


This research studied political characteristics of the Soviet Union (USSR) towards Islam and Kazakh believers during the revolutionary era and analyzed Soviet anti-Islamic political communication in Kazakhstan from 1917 to 1941. Communication strategies outlined by Everett M. Rogers were used as analytical framework for this qualitative research. Results were that the USSR political character towards Islam and Kazakh believers between 1917 and 1928 comprised policy compromise, preservation of Islamic belief culture in Kazakh society in the early days and conflict avoidance to retain Kazakh popular support. Government political communications about Islam in Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1941 consisted of: 1) as senders, the Soviet government, League of Militant Atheists, Koshchi Union, and anti-religious organizations; 2) messages with information expressing anti-USSR hostility, degradation of human dignity, promoting the capitalist system and emphasis on counterrevolutionary doctrines; 3) as media, official documents, Bezbozhnik newspaper  and periodical, as well as Antireligioznik periodical, academic channels and slogan use; 4) an audience of Muslim Kazakhs in Kazakhstan; 5) as a result, most of the Kazakh population retained Islamic beliefs and led daily lives adhering to religious principles; 6) a reverse effect in which the government perceived that anti-religious efforts to change beliefs were ineffective due to lack of cooperation from inhabitants of Kazakhstan. This research reveals the significance of Islam in Kazakhstan. Therefore, Thai organizations should develop a model for cultural relations, particularly within the framework of Islamic cooperation, in a bilateral context with Kazakhstan.

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