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Sirichai Kumanchan
Siwaporn Saowakon
Korakod Tongkachok


Mangrove forest resource is a crucial resource to human existence and serves as a habitat for several animals. However, it is now discovered that the mangrove forest area is encroached upon and utilized, resulting in a reduction of mangrove forest resources. The research aims to explore the ways to preserve resources and make mangrove forests more fertile and sustainable by creating local regulations model for mangrove forest management. The research methodology applied in this study included reviewing research papers, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The sample group of the study included the representatives from successful forest management areas, representatives from local government organizations, and representatives from the community sector in the forest area.

              According to the study, the result revealed that important factors affected forest resource management in Thailand including human resources, budget, central government support, delineation of jurisdictional boundaries, emphasis on forest conservation by local government organizations, and community participation.  In addition, the analysis of numerous documents on forest management concepts and regulations in Thailand revealed that there is no formal legislation governing forest management in the country. Instead, other laws' principles are adopted, resulting in an inconsistent understanding of responsibilities, and overlapping functions. As a result, a study of the roles of local governments and community participation in forest resource management was carried out.

                        This research study suggests that local government organizations use the model local forest management regulations to create a local ordinance that is appropriate for their community context in order to achieve effective and sustainable forest management.

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