The Study of the Ethnic Groups Music of Thakanun Sub-district Municipality, Thong Pha Phum District in Kanchanaburi

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Dheeraratn Srichuangchote


The purposes of this research were to study of the ethnic groups music of Thakanun sub-district municipality, Thong Pha Phum dstrict in Kanchanaburi and to study the role of ethnical music in Tha Khanun Sub-district Municipality, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi. All data are surveyed and interviewed by fieldwork study in Tha Kha-nun Sub-district Municipality, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi during March 2018 and analyzed via guidelines in ethnomusicology. The results of this study indicated as follows: 

  1. Ethnical music in ThaKhanun Sub-district Municipality, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi has 2 major ethnic groups including Karen ethnicity and Myanmar ethnicity where the Karen ethnicity music band is located at Ban Prang Ka Si which is a band that involves Rum Tong traditional dance and has 4 musical instruments including Pong, Kanuay, Wa, and Kor. For Myanmar ethnicity bands, we found 2 bands including 1. Saing-Waing uses 8 instruments to play including Patwaing, Maunsain, Chauklonpat, Patma, Sakhun, Si–wa, Lingwin, and Sito. 2. Dobat - Waing has 4 instruments for playing including Palwe, Dobat, bamboo clapper, and Lingwin.

  2. In studying musical roles of Karen ethnicity and Myanmar ethnicity, it was found that the important roles are belief-based roles. The two ethnic groups have similar musical beliefs, with the worship of musical instruments with an offering called Kadohpoi which is a belief that has been practiced for a long time. Regarding the social role of music, we found that music is considered as one of the most important social symbols that serve to connect people of their own race and other nationalities. The economic role of music: Musicians from the two ethnic groups can use musical talents for additional income in addition to having regular jobs. Income from music is considered to be one of the incomes that is used to support the family and is another way to create an economy for the residential community.

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How to Cite
Srichuangchote, D. . (2021). The Study of the Ethnic Groups Music of Thakanun Sub-district Municipality, Thong Pha Phum District in Kanchanaburi . Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 5(3), 299–336. retrieved from
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