Local Narratives of Chanthaburi : The Construction for Eco-Cultural Tourism Management

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Sompong Mulmanee
Korrada Sukhum


The research on Narratives Chanthaburi Construction for Eco-Cultural Tourism was conducted with the objectives of collecting and studying local narratives of Chanthaburi province and studying the process of managing eco-cultural tourism based on local narratives. The researcher applied the concept of Myth and Narrative Studies, Cultural Ecology, and Creative Folklore to analyze the narrative data that appeared in 6 districts of Chanthaburi province where the most popular eco-cultural attractions appeared:  Mueang district, Laem Sing district. Khitchakut district, Tha Mai district, Makham district and Khalung district.

The results of the study revealed that local narratives related to the creation of eco-space in Chanthaburi province were in total of 41 versions, which were classified into types of narratives explaining the creation of natural spaces in 9 versions, narratives explaining the home, city, and sacred people in 20 versions, narratives explaining traditions and rituals in 4 versions and narratives explaining Buddha’s images and objects in 8 versions. It was found that the role of local narratives used to create eco-cultural space for tourism management was categorized in 3 aspects: 1) creation of the identity of Chanthaburi people with local narratives for cultural tourism management 2) narratives of rituals, beliefs, and traditions to tourism management and 3) creation of value for natural attractions with sacred stories.

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How to Cite
Mulmanee, S. ., & Sukhum, K. (2021). Local Narratives of Chanthaburi : The Construction for Eco-Cultural Tourism Management. Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 5(3), 337–358. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/wiwitwannasan/article/view/251221
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