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พิภูษณ มากไชย
พระมหาศักดิ์ดา สิริเมธี (หารเทศ)
พระมหาอภินันท์ นนฺทภาณี (คำหารพล)
พระมหาอนุชิต อนนฺตเมธี (ปราบพาล)


          The objectives of this Reserch were as follows:- 1) to study an application of Sujjarita principles in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province. 2) To compare an application of Sujjarita principles in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province in terms of ages, degree of educations, ranks, durations of working, and monthly incomes as differently. 3) To study the suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions of Sujjarita principles in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province. The population were police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province, sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table, got the sample at the number of 165 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire, both closed and open end, data analysis was carried out by package computer program, statistical analysis by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test F-test and LSD’s Method.

          The results found that:-

          An application of Sujjarita principles in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province by overviews were at high level, identified in terms of ages, degree of educations, ranks, duration of working, and monthly incomes found that by overviews were at high level, when considered in each aspects found that a good conduct in thought aspect was the highest average and followed up a good conduct in word aspect and a good conduct in act aspect was the lowest average.

          The comparative results for applying Sujjarita principles in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, Phuket province in terms of durations of working, and monthly incomes were different as statistical significance at 0.01. degree of educations were different as statistical significance at 0.001, but ages, ranks, were not different as statistical significance at 0.05.

            The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions of Sujjarita principles for applying in work performance of police officers in Mueangphuket police station, the problems found that some of them were act according to their instincts not satisfy in their properties, some were lack of compassion to others, some spoke impolitely to people who come to contact for any cases, fine etc. The resolutions found that there should be invited some priests for preaching Buddhist teachings, especially Sujjarita principles and five precepts that is necessary for daily performance, the polices should control their emotions, they should spike politely to people who come for connecting and they should be regarded the grouping interests than responsive interests.

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