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ประไพ จุทอง
พระมหาศักดิ์ดา สิริเมธี (หารเทศ)
พระมหาอภินันท์ นนฺทภาณี (คำหารพล)
พระมหาอนุชิต อนนฺตเมธี (ปราบพาล)


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) to study of student’s opinions towards teaching Methods in Teacher-monks in Buddhism subject of Mahavachiravut school , Muang district , Songhkla province. 2) to compare an opinion of student to wards teaching methods in teacher-monks in Buddhism subject of Mahavachiravut school according to differentiation of gender, class stratification, average grade, and accupation of parents. 3) to study the suggestions concerning with teaching of Buddhism subject of teacher-monk in Mahavachiravut school, Muang district, Songkhla province, The sample for this study composed of 4th class of student in Maharachiravat school, Songkhla province who selected Buddhism subject for their option at the number of 129 persons the instrument for data collection was questionnaire, the statistical analysis by percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.

The results found that:-

          The Student’s opinions towards Buddhism teaching of teacher-monks in Mahavachiravut school, Mueang district Songkhla province by including was at moderate level when identified by gender, class level, average grade and parent’s occupation found that by including was at moderate level, the comparative results of student’s opinion towards Buddhism teaching of teacher monks in Mahavachiravut school, Mueang district, Songkhla province according to gender were different as statistical significance at the level of .01, and class level, average level of .001 and parent’s occupation was different as statistical significance at the level of .05

          The suggestions found that teacher monk should be provide teaching and learning out of school especially temple at the most level, secondly, the school should bring students into temple when the holy days location are coming up for learning of content and practice each others, should be more activities to bring students for the youth to come into temple if the school give an opportunity for them it will be good for them in the future.

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